Valentine's Day 2022 New Movie Poster Arrivals

Valentine's Day 2022 New Movie Poster Arrivals

Black Film History, Romance, Monica Vitti, Fellini, FUNERAL PARADE OF ROSES, MANDABI and more
Dear Friends and Movie Lovers

Hello from Hollywood. Along with some great new acquisitions, we're celebrating Black History Month and Valentine's Day. In addition to the exquisite 1 Sheet for MANDABI above, click on the images below for our new posters of films by and starring Black artists. To see our entire collection, click here

This BREATHLESS French 1 Panel is one of several romantic posters this month

Finally, we want to acknowledge the passing of Monica Vitti, the Italian star whose collaborations with Michelangelo Antonioni resulted in some great posters. Click on RED DESERT to see ours

For the rest of this month's lineup, scroll down or click here:
New Acquisitions

All Best-
Matthew McCarthy
Film/Art Gallery
The Saul Bass Archive

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